Thursday 8 October 2009

How Many Humans Does it Take to Deliver a Box of Pills ?

You may not all know this, but John Gallimore, one of my regular customers at The Lion has been in hospital this week. James's Guinness sales are right down so he hopes that John is back home really soon. If you don't know John, he's the man with the same colour hair as me and has a really loud laugh!

Anyway, John needed his pills collected from his house and taken to him in hospital so he asked his neighbour, another John to go and get them from his cupboard and bring them into the pub, which he did. He went to the house and collected a white box (quite a heavy white box!) and gave them to James. James took them and put them safe until Austin came in and then Austin took them into the hospital and handed them to John's nurse.

Now, I'm a dog and I even I know the difference between a box of nails and a box of pills. Can you believe that John, James & Austin (and Austin's supposed to be a handy man, so he should know a box of nails when he see's one!)all managed to carefully look after this box of nails and ensure that it got to the hospital safely.


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