They call themselves "The Widders" and do this morris dancing stuff all over the place. They were here in Magor last December dancing at the Frost Fayre just before Christmas.

I declined the offer of joining them but did agree to pose with them for a team photo... as you can see above. This was taken just before they started drinking big jugs of beer and scoffing loads and loads of chips which came out of our kitchen in massive big bowls. I don't like chips, but Morrismen obviously do... just as much as they seem to like beer.
James got really grumpy later on in the evening when the police car came round. The policemen had been stopped in the street by a really miserable grumpy git (even grumpier than James -and who doesn't even live in the square) - and he complained about the cars having to go around the monument to make way for the Morrismen. I heard James and Nic (the Post Mistress) talking with the policemen about it and the horrible man had said cars were having to reverse up the street, but we all knew this was nonsense - all the cars had managed to get through the square for the previous hour and there was no problem at all. In fact, all the drivers were smiling - which is a bit like us dogs wagging our tails. Nic was mad, James was grumpy and everyone though that the police didn't like the Morrismen - which wasn't the case at all. In the end, the policemen made a note to say that the Morrismen were "official" and all was fine, but everyone was left asking why someone would want to try and disrupt or spoil a lovely evening in the village square. That's the thing about humans, they can be devious and just like to interfere and irritate each other. Not like us dogs, but I have told Maggie about the grumpy man and we'll make sure that we scare him off from the square by barking at him next time he walks through. Have I said that Maggie barks louder and in a lower voice than me ? She sounds like a rottweiller, so SHE'LL scare him !!
The weather is picking up now and James isn't quite so grumpy in the warm weather. Lots more people seem to come and sit in our garden at the pub when the weather is good. I like that because we get to meet lots of people and they often bring their dogs. We are a "Dog friendly" pub but they aren't allowed in the Lounge. Only Maggie and me are allowed in the lounge because we are special and its our pub - but we are not special enough to be allowed on the grass in garden in case we poo there....
Hamish, I can't believe what I'm reading!
ReplyDeleteHaven't people got anything better to do on a thursday evening than complain!?