As compensation for this lovely walk I had to promise to write about a few up and coming events at the pub:
Quiz Nights
CJ is now with us every wednesday at 8.30pm. Everybody say's that CJ is very serious, but there seems to be lots of laughter during the quizzes for some reason...
St Patrick's Day
It looks as though Crimes Against Folk are coming back for a party to celebrate. James already has a very silly hat that looks like a pint of Guinness!
Gourmet Evening
The next Gourmet Evening will be on Thursday 18th March. I have had a sneaky preview at the menu - Black Pudding; Swag Bag's (Don't ask me what this is!); marinated Salmon; Pork with Leeks; Baked Alaska; Meringue Swans (just like the one's we saw today!) and lots of lovely cheese...
Rock n Roll
We have Graham Cooper doing a session in the lounge this Saturday night (Saturday 6th March) and he will be back with his band for the May Ball on Saturday 15th May. This weekends event is free, but the tickets for the May Ball are now on sale.
Well I've done my bit and must now dash off to see how the darts team are doing in their match. So far this season they haven't been that successful, but they are apparently favourites to win tonight. We'll see...
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