Tuesday 4 August 2009

Comedy Night

It's been a bit like christmas today...

At lunchtime we had a great big crowd of ladies (and a few gentlemen) from The Lawns, which is a sheltered housing complex quite close to the pub. I'm very friendly with Kath (and Roy) who keeps an eye on everyone there and she came along with them all. Julie had asked Sgt Bob to come in and play the piano, which was moved especially for the occasion and sounded even louder than usual. Sgt Bob enjoyed himself so much that he just kept on playing all afternoon. My paws would have been so sore if I had tried to do that for so long. Doris occasionally jumps up on the piano and pretends that she is playing a tune.

Tonight saw the start of the long awaited Comedy Club. The 3 comedians turned up just as Dinner was being served and managed to get themselves served before me. It sounds as though everyone is having a good time and they have all been drinking lots of beer. Julie & James have said that if it goes well they will organise one every month so I will let you know the outcome tomorrow.

I have to go now as Maggie did another disappearing act at the start of the show and so we (I always get punished for no reason) have been confined to the office and Maggie has now decided that she is going to eat her food dish, so I have to go and put a stop to it before I get in trouble for that too...

1 comment:

  1. Note to brain:

    Stop singing the newly learned version of 'Dancing' Queen whilst waiting in traffic on the Hagley Road, Birmingham. I know it had been a difficult day but people can lip read you know and the version you were using has exactly the same lip movements in native Brummy.

    A Pint of Guinness and a Diamond White when you've got a minute please?
