Monday 31 August 2009

What a Disaster !

The long awaited Tug of War between the Rose Inn, Redwick and the Golden Lion, Magor took place yesterday (Sunday 30th August) in Redwick. There were two teams representing each Pub. Human Men and Human Ladies. There was no dog category for me to take part in so I provided security for the event and had a shirt to prove it. It was all very exciting with lots and lots of people turning up to watch. However, it all went sadly wrong when the Ladies Teams took the strain... The match was "best of three" and our ladies lost 2-0 in spectacular fashion. I've included some picures here, but there are lots more on the Golden Lion's Facebook Page and lots more again on the Cash machine screen in the Pub.

The men didn't do much better despite everyone shouting and screaming at them and me barking my head off. The men lost 2-0 as well and judging by all the laughing, they weren't taking it seriously enough. The Rose Inn men knew what they were doing and the rumour was that they spent the morning pulling a tractor around the village with its brakes on... Our men spent the morning exercising their right arms in the bar at the Lion, but it simply wasn't enough.

Everyone came to the Lion in Magor after the event for some human food called Curry (and by the way, it's about the only human food that I hate!) and the presentation to the winners. James & Garry presented the new shield to the Captain of the Redwick Team before all the humans clapped their hands together for ages and ages. It's a bit like us dogs wagging our tails, but much noisier.

I heard James say that we lost it on technique and so all the members of the Lion's Team are now committed to bringing the trophy home at the next challenge which will take place at the May Bank Holiday next year.

Julie says that she will ban any Golden Lion customers who fail to turn up for training sessions in the run up to the next match. She says that having laid down the challenge to Gary & Sarah at the Rose, it will be humiliating if we can't win at least one pull next year.

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